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Here are the new year's resolutions you should make for 2018

The best kind of new year's resolution is one you can get excited about. If you want to make a change in 2018, whether it's a new career, a clean slate or a challenge that you're after, we've got some ideas that you're certain to stick to.

For those who want a career change - Take an IT course

If your IT lessons at school were woefully lacking, you're way out of practice with modern devices or the idea of an excel spreadsheet makes you want to run and hide, taking a computer course is the perfect new year's resolution. Whether you're learning from scratch or you just need a recap on a few programs, there's probably a class round the corner. It's great for your confidence, looks good on your CV and you can get funding for certain courses - so it might not cost you a penny.

For those who have a really great idea Start a business

If you've had an idea for a business in 2017, or you've been holding onto one for years, then 2018 is the time to do something about it. There are loads of places which offer business advice for free, as well as events where you'll meet other like-minded people with awesome ideas of their own. And if that isn't enough to convince you, the North East has a ton of funding options available for startups (including grants and loans) to help get your idea off the ground. 

For those who just love to learn new things Start learning to program

If you're interested in picking up a new skill, learning programming is a great resolution to make for 2018. Our reliance on technology is ever-increasing, and programming is an incredibly valuable skill to have. It's no more complicated than learning a language, and you can learn at your own pace - in a local class, or even at home with an app. If you want to dip your toe in first, start with LightBot (our programmers' top pick for coding games). 

For those who are pretty tech savvy Volunteer at a code club

If you're looking for a way to give back to your community, invest more time in your local school or just try something new, volunteering at a code club could be for you. You don't have to have boatloads of programming knowledge either; just enthusiasm for coding and a desire to impart some wisdom! There's code clubs at hundreds of schools up and down the country, and it's really easy to get involved. Pass on the programming torch!

For those who want a clean slate Get rid of all your old tech

Is it time to do a spring clean? Still hanging onto your first desktop computer? Do you have a great big box of broken tech? 2018 is the time to get rid. If your old devices are still running, backup everything you want to hang onto and delete any personal data. Then you can either sell them on, recycle them or even donate them to a museum; just make sure that your device is cleared of data first. And get in touch with our support team if you need some help!

For those who want to grow their business Invest in backups

If your goal in 2018 is to develop or expand your business, a great new year's resolution is to invest in backups, and a disaster recovery plan. Whether its human error, machine error, a hack or a natural disaster - sometimes things can go wrong, and you're looking to grow your business you have to be ready for when they do. Make sure that your business can keep going in 2018, no matter what comes your way.

For those who hate resolutions Learn to recognise a phishing email

We get it, resolutions are difficult to stick to; and if you can't remember your resolution for 2017, this is perfect for 2018. Learning to recognise a phishing email could save you a ton of money and stress, and it'll take less than fifteen minutes out of your day. Read our handy guide on how to recognise the red flags of phishing emails, and you're way more likely to have a stress-free 2018.

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