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Jonty Davis

Meet The Team

As a qualified nurse, a pianist and a sword dancer, Jonathan Davis (or Jonty as he is known) might not sound like your stereotypical web developer - but Jonty says he was interested in IT from a young age.

'It started when I was at sixth form college. They had a modem link to Teesside Polytechnic, and a really big computer. I was really interested in the machine, and IT in general.'

Jonty decided to go to university to study Electrical Engineering, but found the course wasn't right for him, 'I didn’t complete the course. I was basically too young, too naïve, too inexperienced and too stupid! I spent my time in the pub instead of doing any work

After dabbling in a few different areas, Jonty eventually went back to college, this time to take an A-Level in Music, 'I got my Grade 8 in piano. Then I worked for Dance City, playing the piano for the ballet practices. But you had to improvise, which was pushing my musical ability a long way! I found improvising for the younger ones easier.'

Even though he loved the position, Jonty still felt like he had more to give, 'I wanted to do something good for people, do some good in the world.'

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I saw an advert for student learning disabilities nurses. Within two weeks I was enrolled, and I did that for the next three years. I worked as a learning disabilities nurse for the twenty years after that.'

Throughout his time as a nurse, Jonty was keen to continue learning and developing his IT skills. He had taken online courses in coding, and then took the Microsoft accreditation, 'I get letters after my name now! Embarrassingly, it’s Microsoft Certified Professional, MCP, which is also the abbreviation of Male Chauvinist Pig!'

Jonty also spent his time sword dancing with the Sallyport Sword Dancers, which he still does to this day, ' It’s a huge part of my life, I’ve been doing it for thirty odd years now.'

'I got dragged into doing Morris dancing initially. And then all of our sword dancers went their separate ways, and so we thought we’d better learn the sword dancing! And then I bought an accordion and learnt to play that, so we’d have a musician!'

After a career change from nursing to computing, Jonty started working for Transcendit, accepting a three month temporary contract. 'We just had a gentleman’s agreement that we’d part ways at three months if it didn’t suit, and if there wasn’t enough work. But there was loads of work, so I’m still here!'

'Working for Transcendit is fantastic. Coming to work here for a small company, where everybody knows everybody and the Director makes you a coffee in the morning – that’s fairly unique. It’s a delight working here.'

The Transcendit Way

Transcendit understand that when you choose to work with us, whether we're taking care of your IT, app or web development, you're trusting us with part of your business. So whether we're looking after your computers, phone systems or servers we always do things 'the Transcendit way'.

The whole of our team adhere to the same values, beliefs and policies - the principles that were written when Transcendit first formed in 2000. Whether you come to us for cloud services or recovery backup you can be confident that you'll always receive the same excellent service.

The Transcendit way outlines how we do business; following the same straightforward principles with every client and customer, regardless of how big or small they may be.

That means we get to know you and your business. We offer you a friendly, professional and efficient service, and we'll always be honest with you.
We understand that not everybody speaks fluent IT, so we try to explain things in a way that is simple and clear. We always spend as much time as is necessary explaining things to you.
If you need to talk to us about something, no matter how insignificant, we are only ever a phone call away – and we’re never too busy to make you a cup of tea and have a sit down with you in person.
We understand how frustrating it can be when things are late. When we schedule an appointment with you, we are there when you’re expecting us. If something prevents us from getting there, we always call you in advance to let you know.
Sometimes things can go wrong, but we never lie to you or try to cover something up. If things go askew we tell you what’s happened and how we plan to prevent it affecting your business.
We want you to continuously benefit from working with us. We regularly discuss your business and make suggestions for improving systems and processes wherever we can – but we never try to push you into a purchase.
When we quote a fixed price, that's always the amount we charge – you won’t find any nasty surprises on a bill from us. If you are paying by time and materials, we inform you if our approximations could change.
We understand the importance of privacy for your business and your customers. We respect the confidentiality of your data, and we will never pass on your information to third parties.
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Find out what they're saying here.
Excellent service, as ever, and very prompt. It's very reassuring to know the support is there. Sharon Langridge, Langridge Employement Law

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Transcendit are proud sponsors of CHUF, the Children's Heart Unit Fund.

Transcendit is a Living Wage employer
Transcendit is a Microsoft Gold certified partner
VMWARE partner
Vipre partner
IPCortex partner
WithSecure partner
DELL partner
Barracuda partner
Veeam partner
N-Able partner