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‘Please, 5 more minutes!’ Great North East activities for under 7s

Are you stuck for something to do with your little ones? Dreading the thought of the weekend when you’ll need to keep the kids entertained? Or just sick of going to the same old places in the week? 

Don’t panic - we’ve found a few of our favourite workshops and activities to get your kids excited about tech, science, coding and creativity (so you don’t need to spend another weekend at a soft play). These workshops and activities are held at either the Discovery Museum and the Life Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne. 

Tiny Sparks @ The Discovery Museum - Wed 26th Feb to Wed 1st April, £4 per session

Tiny Sparks is ideal for children aged 2-4 years old, and is a play session focused around fantastic scientists who made a difference. There’s plenty of opportunity for engineering and inventing if that’s what takes your 2 year old’s fancy, as well as stories and singing for your little performer, and designing and creativity if you can’t get them away from the felt tip pens at home. It runs from 10:30-11:30 on a Wednesday, and you can get a discount if you book a block of sessions.

The Making Studios @ Life Centre - Monday to Sunday, Free with admission

The Making Studios is Life Centre’s answer to, can anyone be creative? And of course, the answer is yes. There’s a ton of different interactive activities for all ages, (adults included!) including sewing, cardboard construction and coding. There’s also a poetry robot. We don’t know what that is, but we’re really keen to find out. Best of all, the Making Studios is open from Monday - Sunday, and there’s no surcharge for attending; it’s all included in the price of your ticket.

Young Explorer’s Zone @ Life Centre - Monday to Sunday, Free with admission

The Young Explorer’s Zone at the Life Centre is a space just for under 7s, where they can play and create in an amazing environment. Think big blocks just waiting to be crafted, a soft play made of linkable pieces so that they can create a world of their own design, and a sensory den for smaller children focusing on light, sound and colour. Just like The Making Studios it’s free admission when you purchase a ticket, which is ideal if you’ve got a few kiddies in tow.

Pre-school Days @ Life Centre - 24th March, 28th April,  Free with admission

Do you sometimes find that your smallest is a bit too little for workshops? The Pre-school Days at the Life Centre are days focused on the Under 4s - perfect for the littlest scientist. These events are crammed full of toddler friendly activities, such as music workshops, mini-beast handling, and a toddler bubble disco. There’s also a water play, so make sure you bring a change of clothes for you and the kids! You can also hit up the Young Explorer’s Zone and the Planetarium while you’re there - it’s all accessible when you purchase a ticket. 

Naughty Monsters in the Sky @ Life Centre - Monday to Sunday, Free with admission

This is an amazing little show at the Planetarium in the Life Centre, which asks, ‘Do naughty monsters move the sun and make the moon change shape? Or can we explain everything using science?’ It’s a lovely premise and is a great accessible way to get your kids interested in the world around them, as well as helping you answer the never-ending series of ‘Why?’s if your kids are the curious types. It’s about ten minutes long, so a perfect way to start or end your day at the Life Centre. 

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